Monday, September 5, 2011


Carrie has been reading the book "Simplicity Parenting" recently and it gives some suggestions on how to simplify your child's life and therefore relieve stress and business allowing them to become a child again. The easiest way that we could bring simplicity to Eva's life was to simplify her toys. This was not as easy as it sounded. After spending several hours getting rid of the broken toys, annoying toys, unused toys, and unneeded toys we had 7 large boys of toys to either keep, donate, or keep for Isaac. We had dwindled her toys down to around a tenth of what she used to have. Even though she was watching us put them away in boxes it didn't bother her. She has been playing even better with her toys and her room looks clean and spacious. Who thought it would be so much work simplifying. Now on to the adults...

Here's a picture of all of Eva's stuff that we got rid of completely:

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